It's been the start of a busy season. A new book of mine starts production in June (more on that soon), and work has started on two smaller books that are in the vein of Searle, Silverstein, Gorey, and Lear. That is to say- dark, morbid and funny.
I've also been taking copious notes for the next book in the Eel Mansions series. It's really just been a matter of having enough of both plot points and random stray thoughts to lurch forth. That said, the Doomin mini will wrap soon.
There have also been freelance projects, posters and imagery for Katie Green's new play "Great Gold Bird, Great Dark Yawn" as well as drawings for food zine Put an Egg On It, and the cover for the new Lovely Sparrows album.
In music news, my group Murder Shoes is releasing it's first EP via Land Ski records on May 1st. The release show happens at The Red Stag on May 3rd. We'll have cd copies of the EP as well as our debut single Cash On Fire. Nice thing about the Cash On Fire cd- it comes with 15 demos. We have another EP recorded, and we're stockpiling songs for our first full length. We have about 11 demos floating around towards that. Once we have about 30 we'll end up recording about 20 or so of them and edit from there. We have four songwriters now, so all systems are go.
I'm also starting a music review blog. I'll have details on that soon as well. OK, back to work.