Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mome 13 Now Available From Fantagraphics Books

My second appearance with publishers Fantagraphics Books is now available. A while back I completed work on a 12 page coffee, pen & ink story for their anthology entitled Mome. The story is called The Marriage Tree and appears in the Winter edition- number 13. The Marriage Tree concerns itself with three brothers married off to another set of three sisters and what happens with the situational aspects of romantic misparing and the occasional reanimation.

As the story has a dreamy quality about it, coffee seemed important as color choice. It lends itself to a detached otherness which allows the more supernatural and folky elements of the story to stream forth. In various parts of the story the coffee is used as an active agent in letting the ink work independent of me. Hair is probably the best example of this. Something as natural and unrestrained as hair is often treated as such with free flowing ink bleeds. Other subjects for this treatment are trees and architecture- things that are often distorted based on emotional readings. An example being perhaps that a victorian building may appear more friendly in the daylight etc.

Also appearing in this collection are Gilbert Shelton, Tim Hensley, David Greenberger, Thomas Ott, Sarah Edward-Corbett, Kurt Wolfgang, Josh Simmons, Laura Park, Nate Neal, and Dash Shaw.

Go ahead and take a look-
Previews and ordering information for Mome 13 are available here

In order to avoid spoiling the art awaiting you in the volume I've used out-takes from the story as examples in this post. I hope that isn't a pisser.